Creating a Grazing Table

Creating a Grazing Table


A brief look at the inner workings of creating a Graze table from start to finish!


What is a Graze table and why choose one?

A Graze table is a modern day take on a traditional buffet. It's designed to be visually appealing whilst serving a purpose. You can make them as simple or as lavish as you’d like to suit your requirements. They are low maintenance to set up and you can spend more time with your guests. They can be as expensive OR inexpensive as you want, you can tailor them to suit your needs but most of all they are really fun and you can impress people with your creative skills!

Planning your Graze

There are so many options to choose such as a movie night themed board with popcorn, sweets and crisps or a vibrant tropical fruit breakfast platter but our most popular graze is the classic cheese and charcuterie so we’ll base it on that.

Once you have your theme it’s time to plan what items you might want to include. Keep it simple and stick with a couple of each meat and cheese options, choose seasonal, fresh and local produce to balance out your graze. Be sure to incorporate items such as fresh and dried fruits, nuts, crackers, fresh veggies and dips. Once you’ve decided, created your shopping list and sourced all the produce you need it’s time for the creative part.

Creating the WOW factor!

There’s no need to use absolutely every board, bowl or jar you have! Keep it simple and assemble your graze directly onto greaseproof, add a couple of layers with some boards or a rustic basket for your breads to add more dimension but ideally you want the food to flow.  Get creative with how you style your items, stack, cube and slice your cheeses. Use miniature mason jars for your chutneys or dips but most of all try not to over think the process, go with the flow and enjoy yourself!

For an additional finishing touch you can add fresh flowers and foliage round the edge or as a centrepiece or for a pop of colour add a few handfuls of edible flowers and fresh herbs.

…And you’re done!




Want to learn more? Take a look at our Grazeology Guide here!

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